There are two active Women’s Circles at Chisago Lake Lutheran. Each meets monthly for Bible Study and fellowship.
Friendship Circle Meets the 3rd Tuesday at 1:00 pm in the homes of Circle members. Glory Circle Meets on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. in the Green Room.
Men's Breakfast
Join the guys every Thursday at 8:00 am for breakfast and fellowship at the Swedish Inn in Lindstrom.
Men's/Women's Bible Study
Join Pastor Brian each week as we will be take a sneak peek at the readings for the following Sunday. This is an informal gathering to delve deeper into the upcoming Sunday readings. Feel free to join us for your lunch break and bring your lunch!
Meets: Noon on Mondays in the Green Room.
Adult Forum
A variety of Adult studies are offered throughout the year after service at 10:15 am on Sunday mornings. Watch for current topics! Grab some refreshments and join Pastor Brian in the Green Room.
Alpha Course
The next Alpha Course begins on Sunday, September 8. We will meet in the Green Room at 10:15am following 9am worship. Grab some refreshments and join us!
Periodically New Member classes are offered to those interested in becoming members at Chisago Lake Lutheran. The classes are designed to give you an oppurtunity to learn more about our congregation, our beliefs and what we are all about here at CLLC. Watch for more information on upcoming classes!