Good Gifts – Give an alternative Christmas gift this year
The average American spends more than $700 on Christmas gifts each year.
- When we think about the best gifts we have given or received, it is often not the gift itself but the meaning behind it that makes it significant.
- Rethink traditional gift-giving this Christmas with ELCA Good Gifts. Give in honor of friends and family and help support people in need and perhaps inspire recipients to help others in need.
How to participate starting Sunday, Dec 1:
- Select an ornament from the Advent Tree just inside the sanctuary. Each ornament represents a gift item. Some of the gift options include $30 for a piglet, $30 for a water filter, $40 to send a girl to school, $10 for chicks, and $50 for a goat.
- Checks can be written to Chisago Lake Lutheran Church, with “Good Gifts” in the memo line.
Pick up an ELCA Good Gifts catalog to see all the gift options. Or check out for more information.
Kids – our goal for the Children’s Offering in December is $50 to feed a refugee family for one week. Help us remember our brothers and sisters around the world, and Jesus - a refugee himself, in this way.